Book Review: A Woman Makes a Plan

A Woman Makes a Plan

Happy Friday, ladies!  Please join me today for a book review: A Woman Makes a Plan, and autobiography by Maye Musk.

After I decided to post book reviews on Fridays, a few of you recommended books you wanted to see me review…A Woman Makes a Plan is one of those books.

We spent three weeks on Forever Strong, but today will be the only review of A Woman Makes a Plan.  The first contained more information, and the second contains more inspiration.

I do enjoy autobiographies, however, confess that without your recommendation, I might not have read this one.

I had allowed media to convince me that I could learn little from her…and that is very short sighted on my part.  We can always learn from the stories of any people around us.

Maye Musk’s story is much more than a tale of a glamorous model.  In fact, we are similar in many ways.

I could not put the book down, and easily read it in an afternoon. 

She is nothing like the stereotype of a model, but rather a model of a very strong woman who loves her life over 70.

I will give you a taste of this book, and recommend it for any woman over age 50.


A Woman Makes a Plan

The title of the book, A Woman Makes a Plan, is reflective of a woman who was constantly faced with changing circumstances and needing to re-adjust moment by moment at times.

Yes, Maye is a glamorous model who began the side work of modeling at a very young age in South Africa.  

But, she mostly saw modeling as a way to supplement her main career as a degreed dietician/nutritionist, constantly faced with continuing education and new certification tests from one country to the next.

Her passion for education and her main career is impressive…including her own experience with emotional eating during an abusive marriage which provided empathy later in working with some of her clients.

And, continued to provide when she began to do plus-size modeling!  

She holds a Master of Science degree and began working on her PHD at one point.

Maye raised her three impressive children as a hard working single mother and their own success reflects the importance of education in how they were raised.

Her book took her off the Red Carpet for me and brought her my world.  

She is someone, like me, who believes in diligence, perseverance, make-it-work attitude with optimism and hope.

Most of my life, I worked two and sometimes three jobs so I completely understand many of the emotions and decisions she faced in her life.

I have many make-it-work moments in my own life…I get it. 

Plus I enjoy the stories of overcomers much more than the stories of victims.

Maye becomes for me in A Woman Makes A Plan a humble person, who also believes anything is possible if she makes a plan and ponders all decisions around that plan.

This is something she learned from her parents.  She shares her stories of heartbreak and pain as she goes through her journey.


A Woman Makes a Plan

Maye was not only a teacher of nutrition, she also was a teacher at a modeling school of etiquette and professionalism.

The second teaching job included lesson plans she learned from her parents and life experiences.

She clearly still has the confidence to live life with passion and hard work…even at age 71.

Her own mother lived a vibrant, active life until she passed at 98.  She did not enjoy being around “grumpy old people.”

Maye’s role as a mother and grandmother has been and continues to be her main role in life.  

I will say that she made some decisions I would not have made personally, but I respect her for her courage to step out of her box at times…something I often lack.

Of course, she does discuss how she sought assistance with fashion and the benefits that afforded her…as well as how she believes makeup is a must to any age woman.

However, you learn what she values over her outside appearance.

A Woman Makes a Plan

When I arrived at the last chapter, I was affirmed once again with all I have in common with her…though I am not a successful top model.

The words, KEEP SMILING, jumped off the page to me.

Once again, she learned this from an optimistic father who had these words on the back of his business card.

I closed the book feeling as though I had just made a friend…and a woman who encourages me to live life over 70 as my best life.


A Woman Makes a Plan

Her Instagram is fun to look at as well…for those who are on Instagram.

I am receiving so many emails and comments, that I apologize I do not remember who recommended A Woman Makes a Plan, but THANK YOU!  I really enjoyed the read.

Remember with your comments, we are discussing Maye’s book, and not anything controversial about her children, especially Elon. 

Thanks for being here…tomorrow I have another Fashion trend for 2024 that you will see more of on the shelves…..hope to see you then


By Pamela Lutrell

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I have tried to include the brands most shopped by this audience, but sometimes I miss one of your favorites.

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A Woman makes a plan



  1. I read this book when it first came out; she is quite extraordinary. When I see her photos pop up, I am always smiling. I feel she is somewhat a kindred spirit in the fact that has faced real issues that most people have and come out on the other side strong and resilient.

  2. I agree, Nyla. Her story shows that with determination and hard work most adversity can be overcome.

  3. Loved this book! I also enrolled in her Masterclass Quest where she shared her “5 rules of life”. Prior to learning about the “real” Maya Musk, I had stereotyped her as this beautiful, successful model leading a life of grandeur. It is so embarrassing that I had formed this opinion with so little knowledge of the struggles she encountered throughout her life to become who she is today. She has taught me a great lesson!!

  4. The two excerpts you included are so often things I think about…keep moving, eating well, look people in the eye, smile. I suppose these often come to mind because I see so many people who do not do these simple things. I’m especially aware if someone who is speaking to me does not look me in the eyes when speaking. As a teacher I suppose this was a trait I so often used when speaking directly to a student and continue to do automatically. She certainly sounds like an interesting woman with a varied life.

  5. I must be living under a rock because, though I’m of course inundated with Elon, I’d never heard of her. Her philosophy of life as you’ve shared it feels true and important. That she wouldn’t have made some of your choices made me go … hmmm … because your choices would certainly be closer to mine, I think. That said, I don’t think we should always read only what we agree with; that way is not challenging and closes our window on learning. I will add it to a long list. I often read nonfiction (usually on health and nutrition topics, or history) and always appreciate hearing of an interesting read. If you want a quick read, I recommend Atomic Habits. When I got it at the recommendation of my daughter-in-law, it was hard not to roll my eyes. But that little book was actually a key part of helping me lose a lot of weight, and helpful in many areas of life.

  6. I was the same way Janet and just as embarrassed that I had stereotyped her. I learned the same lesson.

  7. I enjoy autobiographies and memoirs especially ones written by women. I saw an interview with Maye Musk and not only is she stunning but very articulate. Thanks for the recommendation!

  8. She is very interesting and inspiring. I taught summer school high school speech classes and these principals were part of the class. But the power of cell phones has made it worse these days.

  9. I think you would enjoy the read even more than the rest of us familiar with Maye. The story would be so fresh with you. I will check out Atomic Habits.

  10. Thank you for your review of this book. It was not on my radar, but I’m definitely going to check it out.

  11. I read her book a few months ago. It’s very good and I now have a completely different perspective of her and her children. Great read. I highly recommend it.

  12. Love your Friday posts on books. I picked up Forever Strong after reading your review. Boy am I glad I did. Thank you for that recommendation, I’m knee deep in it as my personal concerns right now are trying to rebuild my muscle mass that I lost when losing a great deal of weight. Over 60 pounds and not addressing the muscle mass during that time. Foolish of me, but I’m not fussing over it, just looking to correct it.
    This current book is one that, truthfully, I would have walked past at my local Barnes and Noble. But after reading your review,I’m inclined to pick it up.
    My only problem is that I currently have about 9 books that I have put aside on my reading table, lol, so her story will have to wait a bit.

  13. Thank you for bringing this book to my attention. I love learning about people’s experiences outside of my own. I look forward to reading this book. I must also live under a rock as I didn’t recognize her name or her face but now I’m interested. I have Atomic Habits in my Audible library, I just haven’t got down my book list to it. I think Maye just moved to the top of my list.

  14. Great post Pam. I have followed Maye for years. She will actually be 76 in April (born April 1948). That in itself is wonderful. She makes me reassess aging and stereotypes, and reminds me that a zest for life is one of the most beautiful traits of all. Just like you do every week on this blog 😉 Thank You!

  15. Thank you for this recommendation. I’ve ordered the book from the library and look forward to reading it. I admit I had not heard of her until this blog post. Other than football I haven’t watched broadcast media in over 5 years so I may be living under a rock too. I do read extensively on current events but generally not about celebrities. I am stalled on Forever Strong. I got to the section on menus and lost interest. I purchased the Kindle edition and its hard to flip around and get past the information that doesn’t apply to me. I have changed my breakfast from and English muffin with cheese back to a protein shake and feel I have more energy. I’ll get back to it because an unfinished book always nags me. BTW, I love the new format. Happy Friday.

  16. You might want to wait until you work on your list Rhoda. For me, a stack of unread books is very stressful. Hopefully you will remember this one after you clear the stack. So happy Forever Strong has inspired you!

  17. Thanks, Kathie! I am trying to use her menus as inspiration for my own. Still a work in progress.

  18. Pam, you made me laugh about unread books. I have at least 50 and always read several books at the same time. I love the diversity – no stress. I’ll breeze through some and savor others. But my husband does read one at a time, and it promotes interesting conversations. Just to be an outlier, I will give this a pass — I object to someone who calls herself a “doctor of diuretics” when what she has an honorary degree not a real PhD. It’s just not done.

  19. When you read her extensive study and her constant continuing education and testing (required as she moved from country to country), it is pretty impressive. She appears in this book to be very well educated, knowledgeable, and passionate about her area of expertise.

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