Confession: Do Women Shave Their Faces?


So women shave their faces?

Happy Thursday, friends!  Today, I am seeking your opinions and stories and Confession: Do Women Shave Their Faces?

A post asking do women shave their faces has the potential to be very controversial or just laughed at.

I was taught by my mother and other women from a young age not to ever shave my face, because it is not good for ladies to shave their faces.

In fact, I was taught that it is harmful for ladies to shave their faces.

Every facial I have ever been blessed to have, the esthetician told me that women should not shave their faces.

But what raised questions inside my head is that often during the facial, there is some sort of shaving.

So, let’s look a little deeper into why I ask do women shave their faces?


Do Women shave their faces


A couple of years ago, a group of my closest friends and I went to lunch to catch up on post pandemic lives.

During that lunch, one of the ladies began to share her skincare secrets and confessed that she shaved her face.

Another woman at the table…the one I would call the beauty queen (beautiful, style-forward, and always put together)…was shocked and probed deeper as to why.

She asked does anyone else here shave their face?

Well, she was the only one at the table who did not….and she was upset that none of us had ever told her we do this.

I have never written about it here…I have always kept it a secret…perhaps from the way I was raised?

I explained that day when in my 50s, I saw a Youtube Video that made perfect sense to me.

The woman was sharing that shaving of her neck and lower face and jawline was a daily exfoliation and she learned it from men.

She said that it turned her complexion around to do this daily and immediately follow with her favorite product.

She also said that for many women over 50 …it is taboo…almost a dirty little secret…they keep from their husbands and others.

She made sense to me…and I have been shaving ever sense I saw it….no matter what the specialists have said.

She also said that most women will not confess they are women who shave faces…unless point blank asked…like what happened at our lunch.

Do Women Shave Their Faces


There are many products for women to shave their faces and that confirms to me that many do.

I have never had any of the problems experts say can happen…no ingrown hairs, and not dark hairs growing in.

I use an oil based cleanser and that softens the hairs.

The first product that goes on after shaving is the Recreation Skin Firming Serum.

But, I am curious…DO YOU SHAVE YOUR FACE?


Do women shave their faces?



So, again, I confess…I shave my neck, jawline, and around my mouth daily. Then occasionally on the sides of my faces to take off peach fuzz.

I follow that immediately with my BY BRIAN regenerative skincare routine….the products I use are in THIS POST.

Once I added By Brian to my daily routine, I was amazed at how healthy and youthful my skin looks in my 70s.

I also hydrate often…including first thing when I arise.  I drink my coffee with collagen in it. 

But, I am very pleased with my complexion and will continue to do all that I am doing.

BUT, I still do not shave in front of Mr.B!

One more thing, before you tell us what you think…..


do women shave their faces



Brian has taught me so much about regenerative skincare…and I have seen it work with my own eyes.

Just click on, EFFECTIVE BY BRIAN, to see all the top products on sale this week at 30% off.

For me spending on my complexion is where I do not skimp on product.  Brian is so great to run occasional specials to help us out.

OK…your turn…Tell us if you shave your face and explain why or why not…I am open to hear what you have to say……


By Pamela Lutrell

Right now, there are MAJOR SALES HAPPENING...that will continue throughout July.   

If you go to my SHOPPING LINKS to find your favorite retailer in fashion and home decor.

Do Women Shave their faces?


  1. I noticed yesterday in the Amazon Prime Day sale there were some female razors, but my thought was they were for women who do have dark facial hair. I only have a few dark hairs in the space right under my nose, and I pluck those few hairs. I’ve personally never thought about shaving them or the rest of my face. This is an interesting concept and I will be curious to see what others say.

  2. I absolutely shave my face about once a week. I’ve also had dermaplaning facials. It’s a great exfoliator, and my skin always looks and feels so good afterwards. I think the taboo on shaving came from old misconceptions that hair would grow back thick and dark, because that’s what happens to men when they start shaving.

  3. My neighbor does it. She told me last year that ‘everyone’ does it. I guess I am afraid to start that and see a crop come in. I just pluck a few strays. Pam, do you actually shave and therefore exfoliate, or do you just take off peach fuzz?

  4. Last week I was walking in a desert state park. The young woman at the entrance station had a lot of dark facial. I wondered why she didn’t shave it. A little into the walk I ran into a snake stretched across the path. I was pretty sure it was not a rattler, but returned to the entrance to talk it over with the young woman. It turns how she was a herpetologist. She pulled out a snake book and we identified the snake together. I’m never happy with myself when I judge others. This was a good lesson for me. (It was a gopher snake.)

  5. On my neck and jawline, I am actually shaving. Around my mouth and sides of face, it is peach fuzz removal. I hope that helps, Deborah.

  6. I have shaved my jawline and upper lip for years. Alternatives call for longer hairs in order to work,{ such as waxing} I do not shave the rest of my face as I don’t think it is needed. Don’t have much peach fuzz. I am 81 years old and still care very much about my appearance. Thanks for bringing this “out of the closet”

  7. Today’s discussion isn’t about judging others …it is really a skincare discussion. So glad it wasn’t a rattler and also glad you found an expert!

  8. lol! You are so welcome. I believe it has helped me and I completely understand the skeptics to go the other direction.

  9. Yes, I shave my face! And I use the same razor I use for the rest of my shaving. A quick swipe in the shower everyday keeps my “mustache” in check. A razor is a razor, a pink one marketed to women works no differently. Why go to the expense of painful waxing? Women are brainwashed into thinking their hair is different from a man’s.

  10. I don’t have dark hairs, but I do have a little peach fuzz that I shave about once a week. Makeup goes on so much more smoothly. I do believe shaving is a good exfoliant for my complexion.

  11. I’ve sure thought about it, but afraid if I get started the hair will get worse….i pluck like every other day, I have little patches I have to maintain in between waxing with a pro.

  12. Mine hasn’t become worse, but if someone has experienc d it, hopefully they will share.

  13. I have little facial hair but I do shave peach fuzz every few weeks. I also shave stray eyebrow hairs with a little razor rather than plucking. Quicker. When my chin is dry in the winter I use a razor to exfoliate the flaky skin. I’ve read that the “dark hair and whiskers” thing is a myth.

  14. In my experience, it has been a myth. But, I understand that may not be true for all. Thanks Linda

  15. I never thought about shaving. When I have a few hairs on my chin I pluck them. Good to know that shaving will not increase hair growth. It would be much easier.

  16. I found it to be much, much easier…and it allows the products to soak in more. Thanks for being here Paula.

  17. I have never shaved my face. I have odd dark hairs that pop up here & there, so I pluck those. Like most ladies of a certain age, I was told the tale of hair growing back heavier if you shave. I also was a bit afraid of nicking my face as I was prone to when shaving my legs. This is an interesting topic, & it is nice to hear everyone’s opinion.

  18. You ladies have truly opened my eyes today! I do not think in my 77 years I have ever heard a female talk about her shaving her face. I’m like Pam’s friend who was surprised that everyone else shave their faces. I suppose I thought women either used bleaching cream or a depilatory to get rid of excess hair. Thank you for opening my eyes to an interesting practice apparently many include in their lives.

  19. Pam – I have always waxed along my jawline and upper lip. I have thought about shaving but waxing seems easier to me.

  20. So glad you found what works best for you, Marin. I know many who prefer waxing.

  21. Pam, I am so glad you opened up this discussion!!!
    I was using the Tickle razors when I had a light bulb moment and about 6 months ago started using my old fashioned razor which happens to be my husband’s used blade when it becomes too dull for his face! I remember Christy Brinkley speaking to noticing men exfoliate daily and that got her wheels turning regarding routine exfoliation. I cannot imagine not shaving as it makes such a better canvas for products however have never told a soul…except for you and your friends!

  22. I shave my face with one of my husbands vintage 1940s/ 1950s razors. Since Dr. J retired he has gotten into shaving using vintage razors, brushes and shaving soap. I have so much hair on my face, chin and neck. I have so much hair where I do not want it but thinning hair on my scalp. It’s so unfair. I also pluck the black coarse hairs that pop up in different places. Dr J knows I shave and prepares the razors and shaving soap for me. These vintage razors give a very close shave that makes my face feel so soft and smooth. I am 71 and have extremely oily skin. The shaving soaps would probably be too drying for most women but they make my skin feel great! I feel better knowing other women do this too. Thank you for this post!

  23. I asked my dermatologist about this. She said there is nothing wrong with shaving. I don’t think I asked whether hair would come back stronger. I actually prefer sugaring to waxing which is a process like waxing but less painful and no hot stuff going on your skin. It is expensive so, sadly I let it go for a while. I do pluck regularly and have both dark hair and fuzzy stuff. I think for shaving you do have to be pretty regular about it. Otherwise you will get “bristlely”.

  24. I use a battery operated trimmer for the peach fuzz on my jaw line every week or so and a cream hair remover for my upper lip. Nice to know other women shave their face as it isn’t something we talk about.

  25. Not sure why I just got this post now, but a very interesting discussion. Over the past 2 years I have had laser hair removal on my face twice. Before the first one I was told I had to shave before to make the hairs optimal for the treatment. I stood in front of the mirror and cried the first time as I knew I would have to keep it up. Well, after 8 sessions I thought I was free of the hair…. not so. I went back to another clinic years later to try again, still shaving my chin and area. Well, I have just last week booked another round of treatments at my derm office. I do not want to be ever in hospital or otherwise unable to shave everyday, so will try again. I will still have to deal with the white ones, which is the reason for another try before they do turn. It is just a part of my morning skincare ritual to shave, but did not tell anyone. Just this week I finally told one friend who is also a skincare nut like me and she was surprised, I suppose due to the fact that I do not go anywhere with ‘ stubble’. It is so great to have this conversation and know that other ladies in my age group do the same. I have to say it does make the skin soft. Thanks for this Pam.

  26. Wow! This is eye-opening!! I’m a “plucker” and have been for years. I watch my husband shave his face & it makes me cringe! But after reading your article and the responses, I’m changing my tune! Facial shaving here I come!!

  27. No I don’t shave anything anywhere . I now guess that makes me weird or disgusting ? I vividly remember my mother showing me her pink plastic razor + blades in a case and saying ” I used to shave my legs – wasn’t that silly ?” – so it never occurred to me . I never even plucked my eyebrows ! Now my hair anywhere has gone white / grey I regularly dye my eyebrows and lashes as well as playing with different hair colours . I don’t have thick hairs on my face or body so don’t bother with plucking/waxing/shaving . I haven’t noticed anyone at my swimming pool looking at my legs or face with disgust so am not yet worried about this . Should I be ? I hope not !

  28. Late to this discussion — I pluck, but I get bumps when hair regrows. But there is another maybe related topic that would be helpful to me….(shh…..) nose hair. Any tips? It is ok if this is not appropriate for posting….

  29. Just want to share another perspective on the myth of hair growing back ‘thicker’ after shaving. If you think about it, hair grows in a conical shape (the ‘tip’ being the pointy end, that sticks out of the skin). When you wax your hairs, you’re removing them from the root (i.e. the thickest end). But when you shave, you’re essentially removing the narrowest point (i.e. the ‘tip’) but the thick end still remains (closest to the skin). So now, when it continues to grow, you’re only seeing the bottom of the ‘obelisk’ (i.e. the square/ rectangular part). The hair itself is not actually thicker but it may *appear* so because of this. Hope this helps to explain where this idea came from?

  30. Hi Pamela,
    I de fuzz jawline and corners at upper lip with travel size barbasol and ladies razor…skin is so soft after and moisturizer and makeup glides on, have done this fo over a year; I started when I had a lightbulb moment and with I had done this earlier. Because beauty is skin deep🤣. I’m 74 and still keep all the beauty routines rolling along with joy.
    By the way, what do you think of the new Talbots catalog? I’m not particularly fond of it maybe have to adjust to their new color palate this fall.


  31. Hi Sandra! Come back tomorrow and I will show you a pieces from the new Talbots catalog! Hope to see you then!

  32. Yes, I shave my chin, the sides of my mouth and my upper lip. My hairs are white and are difficult for me to see so plucking went by the wayside years ago. I use Gillette razors bought in a ten pack and Edge gel. My skin is oily on my chin, nose and forehead and dryer on my cheeks. I have removed the peach fuzz a few times but it is pretty invisible and I don’t wear makeup. Shaving my face is part of my daily skin care routine. I’m 79 and have heard all of the myths. I have shaved my lower legs since age 12 and I currently need to do so only once a week as I have way less hair everywhere than in my youth. It is a hormone thing. We just produce very little female hormones in our 70s.

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