Summer Sundays in Texas

Summer Sundays in Texas

Happy Sunday, everyone.  Welcome to my weekly lifestyle post called Summer Sundays in Texas.

This summer our crepe myrtles are incredible because of the wonderful rain we have experienced.

They are full and vibrant in many colors…every time I leave the house, I smile looking around.

So, I desired for your Summer Sundays in Texas here on this blog to show a little of that color.

It has been such a busy week, but I do have some reflections for you today.

Let’s begin though with a fun share from a reader.

Get that cool morning beverage and a cozy spot and enjoy Summer Sundays in Texas.


Summer Sundays in Texas

I was so pleased to here from Marcia in our blog community this week speaking two words that I love…Peach Pie.

Marcia wrote: “Hi, Pam.   It is peach season where I live, and I am making the most of it!    This is a recipe that I received from a friend when I was in high school, and I have been making it ever since when the fresh peaches are here.”

Thank you so much, Marcia!  I cannot wait to try this recipe:

Michigan Peach Pudding Pie 

1 unbaked pie shell

Fresh, sliced peaches  (about 4 cups)

1/3 cup flour

1 cup sugar  (or a little less if you like a tart pie – I use about ¾ cup)

5-1/2 tablespoons melted butter

½ tsp. vanilla

½ tsp. cinnamon   (if preferred)

1 egg, beaten

Set over to 350 degrees.    If peaches are very juicy, add about 1-2 tablespoons of flour and mix.  Put peaches in shell.   

Mix flour, sugar, butter, vanilla, cinnamon and egg.  Stir until smooth.  Pour over peaches.

Bake for 1 hour or until pie shell is done.

Serve with whipped cream, vanilla ice cream or Caramel Praline Crunch Blue Bunny Frozen Yogurt.



Summer Sundays in Texas

I think this little humming bird feeder was less than $10 when I purchased it in the past.

However, I holds such value to be because I do love to watch these precious little birds.

I have been thinking since the closet clean out last week, about the word VALUE.

Now that I am In a new stage of life,  the value of certain items has changed for me…and it has little to do with monetary value.

Summer Sundays in Texas

Last week, I told you about a large bag of Beanie Babies we uncovered in the back of the closet my granddaughter and I were cleaning.

As it turns out, my daughter educated me that if Beanie Babies have tags on and certain numbers then they have great monetary value…some in the thousands.

Who knew?  My DIL’s father knew and when she was little, he coated the tags with protectant! 

Apparently some of the ones we had might have some of that monetary value…so I gave them to my daughter to research.

Summer Sundays in Texas

But, the ones without tags still had value to my other grandchildren.

Two of them wore them on their heads for dinner one night.

Summer Sundays in Texas

Tux’s lamb has great value to him…he takes it everyone and this is about the fourth one he has owned…he loves lamb-y.

I write all of this because the great closet clean-out did motivate me to keep going and I have been asking myself often over many different items…does this have value to me now?

It’s a great way to build a Goodwill pile, because at age 71 what is of value to me has changed.

Some of those Beanie Babies have great monetary value, but little value to me…and I am happy to pass them along to the ones who care.

You have great value to me, dear friends, and if anyone would like to share a recipe or idea then please email me as Marcia did…

Thank you for joining me for Summer Sundays in Texas! 

Other than family and friends, what holds great value in your hearts these days?  Would love to hear from you and I will be here tomorrow…..


Remember:  We hold great value to Our Creator:

Psalms 139:14

 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.


By Pamela Lutrell

For all your shopping, please use the links on my SHOPPING PAGE…thank you, thank you to all who shop this way.

Summer Sundays in Texas


  1. All this rain pushed seeds of crepe myrtle around so now I have 2 new trees!! One is pink like the mother tree and bloomed soo fast bush size. The other is white that developed normal time, beautiful snowy white right by my front porch.! I thanked God for planting that for me in perfect spot !!!
    I prefer single breasted jackets.

  2. Such lovely Sunday sentiments- thank you for sharing. 😍 I also have bins of beanie babies in the attic from my late mother.

  3. Value is a wonderful word to start a week. The beanie babies that are in a box somewhere and have no monetary value because they were well loved — a far better value in my view. Happy Sunday, Pam

  4. Marcia’s recipe sounds delicious, and I’ll give it a try. Our peaches are just coming into season here in southern Oregon. So very many things hold value in my heart, after friends and family, as you say. I have lately been much more appreciative of old photos, old letters and cards with the handwritten messages of loved ones now gone. I am also going through a phase of listening my way back through old music. Best this week, I came across a rendition of the song Perfidia, and it was like greeting an old friend. You can youtube it for a listen. So many variations, all lovely, and worthy of a Sunday listen.

  5. It is amazing in my life the many treasures that I have had. Today I will mention one thing, my wedding dress. I wore it again on our 25th anniversary, then again on our 50th anniversary. This week we will celebrate 64 years, I will not wear it, but I will take it out, look it over and dream that we will be together for 65 years and if we are I will try it on and take a picture.

  6. Trix is asleep with her head on her beloved Lambie! Our neighbor gave it to her for Christmas and she has it under head for naps. Trix is a chocolate Havanese with a little white on her as well. It is so hot here that the only blooms are in pots all over the neighborhood. Our Knock out roses have bloomed twice and are just starting number three. They will bloom until frost in the end of October or early December.

  7. Happy anniversary to Audrey and her Mr. B! Being able to fit into your dress after all these decades is a testimony to both your genetics and your lifestyle. Best wishes for many more years together! When I think about what has value in my life, the two things that immediately come to mind are time and good health. My mama used to say “every day is a gift,” and the older I get the more I realize the truth in those words. Sunday blessings to you and this community!

  8. It is amazing how much our perspectives change as we age. As prepped my living area for the painters who were here last week & the carpet people who will be coming next week, I am taking a hard look at what I want to return to that area when everything is finished. The photos of my precious family will definitely return, but other things will be passed on for someone else to enjoy. As I always tell myself, it is a process.

  9. It is a process…a daily walk…I hope you love your refreshed space, Becky!

  10. Neat that your grands are enjoying the beanie babies. I only have one, “Little Bear” is what I called him. He was my mascot who sat on my computer monitor in my office. I think I need to find him. Thanks for reminding me to get out the hummingbird feeder. We put it away when the native honeysuckle and bee balm were in full bloom as the birds preferred the flowers but they’ve faded. We have 2 sunflower seed feeders and a suet feeder. This place is bird central and we are refilling the feeders every other day. The birds bring us a lot of joy and the cats think its the greatest show on earth.

  11. Always happy to remind you of something you previously enjoyed! Have fun with it!

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