Summer Sundays in Texas

Summer Sundays in Texas

Happy, happy Sunday, everyone!  Welcome to Summer Sundays in Texas!

My grandson, here, is certainly having a his joy found in summer Sundays in Texas…though for all of them, school begins very soon.

This is my weekly lifestyle post which is very different every week from cooking to fashion to …well, to life in Texas and what’s been on my mind.

Today, I would like to draw you into a conversation that Mr. B and I recently had.

This is a good prelude to tomorrow’s post…which will be a huge announcement.

That’s called “a tease.”  You will have to be here tomorrow to know what the big announcement is.

For this lovely Sunday morning, let’s get comfy and discuss ….dreams.


Summer Sundays in Texas

Recently, during a date night with Mr. B, he turned to me and asked….WHAT ARE YOUR DREAMS?

I knew immediately he was thinking of dreams more like goals than what I dream at night.

This is the first time I had thought about this question since crossing over into my sixties, my seventies, and working for myself.

He took me off guard for a moment.


Most of my adult life, I was filled with dreams and visions of grandeur.

The dreams included being a successful newspaper reporter…or television anchor…or magazine editor…or novelist.

I actually have done some on this list…and novelist may still be in the mix…we will see.  The others?…  not all they were cracked up to be…as I say below, ripe for disappointment.

I also made career adjustments once becoming a mom.  I said no to a major opportunity in Washington D.C.  I have absolutely NO REGRETS.

Because, raising Godly, well adjusted, kind, intelligent children became the dream!  I am so blessed to have achieved that dream.

I believe I have learned that dreams which are self-focused are ripe for disappointment.

Yet, dreams that are others-focused are joy builders and lead to success in life.

Now, back to the table, where I am 71 and asked …what are your dreams?


Summer Sundays in Texas

This scene is a typical Summer Sundays in Texas scene and beauty that I love in landscapes.

I do like the quote from Harriet Tubman, because no matter our dreams, I believe dreams take strength, patience and passion.

But the world I want to influence and that I dream of influencing is within my family and friends…a small circle.

I dream that each new day I will be able to influence my adult children, their spouses, my eight grandchildren, the community in which I live, and YOU!

I use the word influence because my professional job title right now is that of being an influencer.

However, my dreams are to influence through love, service, time, and writing.  To influence for good and not bad.

This type of influence is more about INSPIRATION than anything. 

If I can inspire the people I care about most to be all God intends them to be and to have joy and peace each and every day…then I have achieved my dreams.

Because I dream of being very much a part of my grandchildren’s lives, I also must make sure I care for myself in order to be here longer for those times of inspiration and influence to occur.

So, dreaming of good health is definitely a part of the equation.

Summer Sundays in Texas

Compared to many, my dreams are very small…yet, I believe in the beauty of them!

I only have to look into my family’s faces to see the beauty.

Making a difference with those God has entrusted to me is my dream and the well where I draw from to drink in joy and peace. (THIS WAS MY ANSWER TO MR. B THAT NIGHT)

I feel like there are many at my age who believe dreaming is dead and no longer relevant.

However, I feel that dreaming now is liberating.  I love that I am motivated by a much simpler life and new dreams that are not overwhelming.


Summer Sundays in Texas

Will you join me and my grandsons as we dive in??

WHAT ARE YOUR DREAMS?  Do you mind sharing?  Have you achieved all of your dreams?

Dive into the deep with us and let’s discuss…..

As I said, tomorrow, I have a HUGE announcement (and, no, I am not quitting blogging!). I hope you will come back to see what it is…until then….


By Pamela Lutrell

For all your shopping, please use the links on my SHOPPING PAGE…thank you, thank you to all who shop this way.

Summer Sundays in Texas


  1. Good morning, Pamela. Lovely message. Your dreams are beautiful. Since retirement. I have more time and brain space to do little things for others. I believe the little things count so much, and I look for opportunities every day. They are always there if you look. Also, I am pursuing new skills and smiling at accomplishments, and sometimes failures, haha. Lifelong learning is a dream.

  2. You know, I haven’t really thought about my dreams in recent years. At 77 I’m more focused on each and every day that I am still here. I am so grateful to still be here to breathe air and revel in an early morning watching the sun rise and listening to the birds waking up.
    To hear my sons share their lives and what is the latest news about our grandchildren. To know and appreciate my neighbors who are always there to help in a crisis, such as the recent visit of Beryl and all of his destruction.
    To know deep within myself that God is always with me no matter what is happening around me and that he will always lead me and support me.
    So: what are my dreams? I think they are quite simple, to be here, to be as healthy as possible and to be able to love and support my family and friends.

  3. I have already achieved my dream being at peace with God and nature, teaching my children and grandchildren to respect God’s land. No harm, no chemicals or poisens, kindness to all animals like God told us to take care of. My son said Mom every time I come out here I see different things because u allow all to live and no where else. The ecosystem works. I’m into horses because they are so elegant and fertilize the land ride them calming etc. I feel like I have a mini paradise. My dogs are happy too.

  4. I share those dreams, Rhoda! Living one day at a time…not focusing on future worries…is a powerful way to experience daily joy!

  5. I cannot wait for your big announcement! Now I’ll be spending my time trying to figure it all out!
    My dream is to live out my life in great health so that I can be with my children and their families both helping them out and celebrating big moments! That’s really it.

  6. Love it, Paulette! Sounds like that is where most of us are…see you tomorrow!!

  7. For six and a half years now, I have had to straddle a line between trying to live my dreams and caring for my aging parents and husband. I know to continue caring for myself in body and spirit, and to keep scheduling at least small and medium trips/outings to feed that girl inside who dreams of seeing things much farther afield before my time is done. My dream is to be a blessing as a mother, wife, daughter, friend and neighbor. Beyond that, I hope to fulfill my bucket list journeys and enjoy some amazing music along the way.

  8. I so hope you also get to work on your bucket list, Connie. I bet you will…along with the great music.

  9. Good question. I wanted to go in a different direction than what God had planned for me. I ended up having twins and made the choice to be home with my children. I at that time had 3 children under the age of 3.
    I really have to think about my dreams and or goals. It’s a great question.

  10. I’ve got the basic dreams of enjoying and influencing kids and grands. I self-sabotage my dream of getting my novel “out there”. I dream of having a fabulous garden but deer sabotage that so I’ve got a mini farm on our large back deck. I dream of figuring out profound mysteries of life.

  11. Right now I just want to recover from Covid. My husband contracted it at a spiritual growth group meeting from a friend that had just flown to Seattle and back without a mask. He passed it to his wife, my husband, then it went to our visiting son and DIL. Ric is okay but Mary got sick Thursday. Brent got sick Thursday and Friday I got sick. Folks, the media isn’t saying anything about Covid but it is very much here. We have all had all of our vaccinations as well. So my dream right now is for all of us to get back to our normal wellness. I’m facing an MRI for a tumor on my right wrist on Saturday, then surgery. My dream is to use my right hand again without pain or a splint. My dreams are simple at 79. Waking every day to my cute smiling little Havanese dog, Trix, waking my husband who at 82 is usually already up when well. Seeing the Colorado mountains in all their beauty. I crave my gentle quiet routine right now. I always read in the morning and learn new things. We have missed our dog walk since Thursday. You see? Simple dreams.

  12. As I navigate this new season of my life, I have begun to ponder what my dreams & goals are. The short answer would be to live each day with a sense of contentment & gratitude & to show others the love & beauty that surrounds us all.

  13. Hi Sydney, I am praying for COVID to leave your home and for the tumor to be easily removed and not malignant in any way. I hope you are feeling better by tomorrow.

  14. Love the dream quotes, and thank you for prodding me to think about what my dreams might be in this new life stage! Having just turned 65 last month, I feel like it’s time to update them. For the past ten years my life was similar to Connie’s, that of a primary caregiver. I will never regret doing the right thing for my mama, but completely set aside my own life to care for her. My priorities will always be my family and my faith, but surely there is room along the way for a few dreams of my own. I am working on a “bucket list” that includes travel, more music and perhaps even meeting a worthy partner with whom to spend this last third of my life.
    Prayers for Sydney and her family as you battle COVID. It is definitely surging here in north Texas, and almost everyone I know who has flown lately has contracted it, even if they are vaccinated. I updated my vaccine in May, and have worn a mask to fly in June and August. I was one of the very few people in any of those airports or planes wearing a mask. Someone even had the audacity to mock me for that choice in the Nashville airport last week. My standard reply (suggested by my BFF the nurse) is “My oncologist would kill me if I flew without protecting myself.” No, I’m not a cancer patient, but I could be, and it’s no one’s darned business if I want to protect myself.

  15. PS – Can’t wait to see what your big announcement holds tomorrow! I breathed a huge sigh of relief when you said it was not retirement!

  16. Thanks for sharing your pondering on dreams. And your right it isn’t anyone’s business if we do or don’t mask!!

  17. Dear Pam: Another wonderful post and something so important to ponder on this beautiful Sunday. Perhaps it says something about this community that so many of us dream of good and long-lasting health so that we can be helpful to family, friends and community. My dream is to meet all of you wonderful ladies some day–you know one big party with Pam as the MC and ship’s program director, even if we don’t have a boat. I had a dear aunt and uncle who lived in San Antonio and although my mother visited her brother frequently, I never did. I have always wanted to visit San Antonio. I also dream of a country where more is said about what unites us than what supposedly divides us. Hope that is OK to say.

  18. Of course you can say that! I also dream of that one. Maybe someday we will figure out a way for all of us to meet!

  19. I think what unites us is all of us – the “Pam community.” We are all different, but we share our thoughts; we know one another’s names; we are friends.

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