Journey to better bones, strength and balance

better bones, strength and balance

Happy Friday, ladies!  Today may be very important for some of you as you join me on  journey to better bones, strength and balance.

Finally, I am back on a journey to better bone, strength and balance…so needed for all of us.

I shared recently that pilates did not work for someone with a reconstructed foot and toes that don’t grip….or are missing!

As I drove away from Pilates, very discouraged, my eye caught a location sign for Osteo Strong.

That was when I remembered that a friend in San Antonio had told me perhaps a year or more ago that Osteo Strong has literally changed her life.

I sent her a text and asked if she still believed in it, and received back a resounding YES!

I decided to check it out and now will share with you a journey to better bones, strength, and balance, and why I am so excited about this.


better bones, strength and balance

Just remember the popular jewelry phrase…Good Things Come In Small Packages.

Because Osteo Strong is a small place with great impact.  But not a gym or medical treatment.

Osteo Strong is a membership-based Integrative Health & Wellness Center focused on Musculoskeletal Strengthening….making it a popular choice for women seeking to avoid Osteoporosis.

better bones, strength and health

It is a very unique system for developing skeletal strength which ultimately gives many positive results.

I already knew that I was seeking better bones, strength and balance…as well as improved flexibility.

My last DXA showed improvement in my hips, but significant concern in my spine.  That was done before I left San Antonio and after foot surgery recovery.

better bones, strength and balance

Osteo Strong gives a free session in order to show what they do and believe.

I confess that when I visited and saw five machines…and was told the workouts were 10 minutes once a week…I was skeptical.  How could this work?

They took me through the 10 minute workout and I did not break a sweat or feel strained, so I left thinking…this just does nothing.

Then the next morning came and proved that good things do come in small packages.

better bones, strength and balance

I was shocked.  I felt taller and walked taller and my hips felt stronger…after just one visit.

Mr. B even commented on how I was walking straighter and looked taller.

So, I asked him to go to a free session and see what he thought.

He agreed.

And he was so impressed with the strategy Osteo Strong implements to care for and strengthen our skeletal systems.

Osteo Strong uses osteogenic loading to promote skeletal strength and, in turn positively impact our bodies.

For me, I saw immediate improvement in posture.

Mr. B came home and encouraged me to join right away and believes it is perfect for what I need to achieve better bones, strength and balance.

So I did…


better bones, strength and balance

On the morning I was to have my journey begin to better bones, strength and balance, I fell thirty minutes before the appointment.

Yes…I needed help.

I walked outside of the house and tripped over this raised concrete walkway and fell onto the concrete.

I was able to get up and knew there was no broken bones…but I was badly bruised with a skinned knee and sore side.

I so wanted to begin my journey that I resisted temptation to call in and change the appointment, and went any way.

They said…let’s modify the workout and do a few additions to help you feel better.

At the Abilene Osteo Strong Center, there are extra amenities for improved health…a hydromassage room (which is so relaxing); normatec compression therapy;  infrared light therapy; A VIBE Plate for improved balance; and ways to decrease inflammation.

My Osteo Strong trainer, Penny, took me through an arms only workout and then amenities to promote healing of the areas where I fell.

I felt so much better afterwards.

I love that it is just me and my trainer working together and I do not have to worry about interrupting or holding up a class.

better bones, strength and balance

I am early in my journey to better bones, strength and balance but so encouraged by working with Osteo Strong.

Every time I have gone in, I have seen other women over 50 who are also on this same journey and the testimonies are vast for improving bones and even helping diabetics.

I believe combining a weekly workout with at home cardio and walking, will have me back on my healthy lifestyle trek once again.

This is a growing organization with locations throughout the country.

If you are in my town, check out OsteoStrongAbilene and tell them I sent you!

Of course, I do not recommend tripping, and falling before you go in for a workout!  

Now, that I am on the journey…hopefully that will be in my past.

Let me know if you have questions about my journey to better bones, strength and balance.  It is early for me, but I will keep you updated.

Thanks for being here…hopefully I will see you tomorrow…until then…


By Pamela Lutrell

Whether shopping new arrivals or clearance sales,  please shop with the links on my SHOPPING PAGE…thank you, thank you to all who shop this way.

better bones, strength and balance





  1. How wonderful for you to have found such a place to strengthen your bones! I have DEXA scans every two years and even though I try to walk daily, my osteoporosis is still present and of concern. I tripped several times yesterday and thought to myself “ What will I break or fracture the next time?” since I broke my hip back in 2017 when I tripped over an uneven sidewalk. I cannot get the Osteo Strong locations to show up but I know there is not one in my small town or nearby. I just try to be very careful when I walk and I take my calcium daily. I had reactions to some medications for bone strength so I am afraid to get those injections that are available.

  2. So far, I am really impressed. I went yesterday and this morning, my hips feel so strong…it is amazing how it works. Try to add in some working with low weights at home, Celia. I know that will help you as well. The hip bridges I do on a mat at home have always helped me add strength to my hips and kettle bells…but consult with your doctor to make sure these are good for you to do.

  3. Pam, I’ve heard of Osteostrong but don’t know much about it. Please keep us informed on your journey. it will help so many women. And best wishes to you. ❤️

  4. I, too, am on a journey to strengthen my bones. I listen/watch on YouTube a podcast called Happy Bones Happy Life by PT Margie Bissinger. She interviews many different practitioners. I have learned so much, including that my 90 minutes a day walks are not enough for my bones. I’ve joined an osteoporosis program, too.

  5. Good for you, Linlee. It is important that we work on it and not ignore our bones. If anyone has not had a bone scan, I encourage you to do so as soon as possible.

  6. Thanks Marcia…make sure you read the information on their website. That will help as well. And, I will keep everyone informed about my new journey.

  7. Kudos to you for getting up after falling and attending a session at OsteoStrong! When the doctors ask “have you fallen recently?”, I always think ‘not yet!!’. I have access to a great gym with a variety of classes geared to balance and bone strength and you reminded me how important it is for this 73 year old that even one class a week is beneficial. I looked for OsteoStrong on their website for a facility in my area and didn’t see any but I googled it using my maps app and found out there is one 8 miles from my home and very close to my golf teacher. Will check it out!

  8. I hope you do check it out, Linda. Sign up for a free session. It really is surprising and interesting how it works. My body is responding well to it.

  9. Sorry about your fall, but so happy that you found this great place to gain strength. I am curious about the hydromassage. Does that mean a hot tub, or something else? Also, your workout leggings look awesome! 😉💕

  10. Thanks Connie…the leggings are a blast from the past, but I do like them. The Hydro Massage is a huge curvy recliner and the water and warmth surges underneath as if going through the recliner…it is more of an oversized bed I think. You do feel the surge of water but not the actual water. They also placed warm massage pads on my knees. It is so relaxing and in a private room, as is the infrared light. I felt similar to how I feel after a relaxing massage.

  11. I can’t get their location map to load either. I’m currently out of state and will be checking into OsteoStrong as soon as we return home. It sounds like a very doable routine for us. Your determination in attending after your fall and your results the next day are impressive. The fall alone could have left you sidelined for weeks!

  12. Glad to hear that you didn’t let your experience at Pilates stop you!

    I recently returned from a trip to Mexico City. I’d worried about pickpockets and kidnapers, but in the end I should have been worried about the sidewalks! Even in the center city they are a disaster! It’s not a place to be walking without looking where you are going that’s for sure.

  13. I am learning more and more to watch out for sideways and walkways…you cannot assume they are safe!

  14. Pam, I failed to include in my response above that I do go to so-called yoga fusion twice a week. Half of the time we work with weights, resistance bands, large and small balls, other equipment, and the other half we do yoga stances. I am definitely more flexible and certainly feel the resistance of the different pieces of equipment on my 78 year old body. My problem with tripping is always due to my leg where I had polio as a child and sling that leg when I walk.

  15. Celia,
    I am so glad you are doing the yoga-fusion! That will help so much if you do happen to fall. Even without your challenges, I have fallen often and believe as we age we have to be so careful. Keep doing your weight training and flexibility…that will help so much.

  16. Celia and Pam, you are my inspiration to do more! I have bands and small weights and I just don’t do them. I just turned 80 in December and felt discouraged. We do walk the dog for a half hour everyday. However, we have a big snowstorm starting tonight and all day tomorrow added to an Arctic vortex hitting us for four days and maybe more. So our walks may be postponed. I will get out the weights and bands and start very slowly. There isn’t any Osteostrong here in our small mountain town but we have a good treadmill and my husband has a Nordictrack bike. He is religious about his workouts with weights, BOSU for abs and back, treadmill and bike for cardio. He is 83 and very fit. I have a chronic pain disorder which causes imbalance and pain as well as osteoarthritis. But I could do more and I will. You all keep prodding me to do better for myself.

  17. Thrilled that you have found a bone strengthening program that works for you and I look forward to reading more about it. I had heard of Osteostrong. The current closest location is too far from my home but I know new locations can pop up at any time. Sorry about your fall but relieved that you went to your appointment and the trainer was able to work with you and then follow up with the massage treatment. I take a yoga fusion class similar to Celia’s on Friday and have graduated to 8# hand weights. This plus 2 Pilates classes has increased my functional strength. Hoping it is helping my bones as well. The yoga studio is hosting a bone strength workshop with a DPT tomorrow. The time is not convenient but I may try to go.

  18. You can do it, Sydney and try to add 2 pound weights to your workout…even light weights will help.

  19. I think anytime you are working with weights..even light ones…helps Kathie. You are doing so much…just get regular bone scans to stay on top of it.

  20. So glad you are working on you! The very best!
    Looking forward to hearing about your journey.

  21. Hi Cindy, I like Pahla B Fitness videos on YouTube. She does videos specifically for women over 50.

  22. I was a runner for 40 years. Arthritis in the hips and SI joint caused me to cease running. I live in a rural area. No place to walk safely in winter and an hour to any town. I walk in the basement in cold weather (boring but it works) and do strength training with weights, stretches, and planks on alternate days and do balance exercises daily. This keeps me strong and flexible. I applaud your working toward better strength and bone health.

  23. And I applaud you working through your challenges. We just can’t stop…right? Keep it up!

  24. So very late to this post, but so excited to see it! I have been thinking I needed something like this. I am falling more often, and I know it’s just a matter of time until I break something else. Most recently I cracked a bone in my foot in April, and it’s really slowing me down in my efforts to walk. Once I get moved to my new neighborhood I’ll be close to a friend who has undergone a kidney transplant and survived a stroke recently. Not only will walking be a good chance to catch up with her, I am pretty sure her slower pace will be perfect for me as I begin the long road back to walking several miles a day. Once I can walk faster, I have another friend nearby who walks a quick three to four miles daily, so I’ll add in some sessions with her. Thank you for this much-needed inspiration! I had never heard of this company, but if my PT approves it I’ll do the free session and look at signing up.

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