Tuesday Morning for a Saturday Morning!  And Winner Announced!

Tuesday Morning for a Saturday Morning! And Winner Announced!

Happy weekend!!  While you plan your Saturday, keep in mind Tuesday Morning Fashion savings!! Gigi purchased this fabulous coat by Paparazzi at Tuesday Morning and I just cannot take my eyes off of it!!  Yes, the lovely thought above is sewed into the jacket! She is an avid Tuesday Morning shopper for quality fashion and beautiful home decor!…

Apricot Lane Boutique…Plus A Giveaway!!

Apricot Lane Boutique…Plus A Giveaway!!

San Antonio Fashion Week is happening at the same time as Breast Cancer Awareness, so there are many events around the city raising money for the cause! The fashionable ladies of Apricot Lane invited me over today for their Pink Party!  Apricot Lane is a franchise boutique and this is the only one in San Antonio! They…

Emotional Attachments to Clothing

Emotional Attachments to Clothing

Memories of our past….they influence us in so many ways…good and bad.  I have heard women refuse to wear plaid, because they wore it every day in private school….or women refuse to wear florals because it reminds them of Grandma’s couch! Clinton Kelly of What Not To Wear has little patience with people who avoid fashion trends…

The Eye of the Beholder

The Eye of the Beholder

My back yard is a small, middle class neighborhood backyard.  The grass is dead from recent droughts, and lack of funds has limited my gardening.  My son’s dog occasionally comes to visit and has “rearranged” the outdoor furniture and decor!   Nevertheless, I can sit there, find peace and still discover beauty around me.  It is…

Aquarius Boutique….Simply Exquisite

Aquarius Boutique….Simply Exquisite

When I was invited to a blogger event celebrating the second anniversary of Aquarius Boutique…. I had no idea I would experience sensory overload! Sara Ash Jessop, the 28-year-old boutique owner, has created an atmosphere which is stunning…. and even difficult to leave. After four years as a jewelry designer, Jessop desired to open her…

Living In Between Runway and Thrift

Living In Between Runway and Thrift

Champagne taste and a Coca Cola pocketbook…. did anyone else’s parents say this to you growing up?  I heard it so much, the phrase would bring torment to me in my dreams. So, I find it rather humorous …after two and half years of blogging…I am now a style ambassador for Harper’s Bazaar and an ambassador…

Lafayette 148 New York Trunk Show

Lafayette 148 New York Trunk Show

Fashion Week in San Antonio has kicked off…and in an effort to show you just how fashion forward our beautiful city is, I want to take you to a few of the places where the gorgeous meet, greet and shop! Let’s begin by thinking ahead to spring with the Lafayette 148 New York 2013 Resort Wear Trunk…

Autumn Colors Are All I Have!

Autumn Colors Are All I Have!

I cannot say enough….I love the spicy, saturated colors of autumn!  Our fall is very mild…only 48 hours of cold weather so far.  That leaves me only colors for enjoyment of  Fall 2012 when styling…heavy jackets and sweaters are just not a part of this mix with weather still in the 90s and 80s. So,…