I Don’t Feel Old….Do You?

 Saturday Brunch! Top:  Dana Buchman, Kohls Pants: Talbots Shoes: Stein Mart Headband: Target  A new study was released this morning claiming that women begin to consider themselves old at age 29 and men at age 58. Wow, 29 really surprised and saddened me. Sad…because I hate it that so many young women would…

Chocolate Therapy!

Chocolate Therapy!

Safari Style: Hunting for ways to avoid unhealthy eating!! The day was my version of walking through a mine field. Valentine’s Day….working in a school….on a restrictive diet….was one of the most miserable experiences I have been through in a long time. Around every corner was a chocolate covered strawberry…..a luscious truffle….or a brownie piled…

Priority Number 7: Meet SomeONE New Every Day!

Just like snowflakes, we are created to be unique, individual….there is only ONE of each of us! When you hold snow in your mitten or glove, you can stare at the delicate, creative touch which is never repeated and it is the same feeling as staring into the faces we see day after day. So…