Would You Wear It

Would You Wear It 2022 – Different Pants

Happy New Year!! Welcome to Would You Wear It 2022…today discussing here different pants! I am happy to join my friend, Jennifer, with the first Would You Wear It collaboration of the year and bring to you two fashion displays from our different communities. So, here we go…. WOULD YOU WEAR IT? This display captured…

Over 50 Feeling 40 in March 2020 Collection from Chicos

Spring Fashion Over 50 Trends: Artistic Designs from Chicos

This week has been all about Spring Fashion Trends for 2020 and for the stylish ladies over 50 who visit this blog.  So far, we have looked at vibrant colors, soft neutrals, and safari styles.  So, today let us take it another step forward and consider artistic, abstract prints and I found them at Chico’s.  With…

Monthly Style Tip For Women Over 50: September Pants and Color

Monthly Style Tip For Women Over 50: September Pants and Color

Welcome to a fun collaboration with Jennifer of A Well Styled Life and Pam of over50feeling40.  We desire for all of us… the fabulous women over 50 …to look and feel our best each and every day.  After years of blogging for this audience, we have heard from so many of you about your discouragement and despondency when…

Would You Wear It…Saturday Style!

Would You Wear It…Saturday Style!

‘Tis the season for many different designs of pants!  So, I ask you about the outfit above…WOULD YOU WEAR IT? Please explain your answer, so everyone can understand why! Because it is a holiday weekend, HIT YOUR STYLE SWEET SPOT is taking a one week vacation!  Jennifer of A Well Styled Life and I will…