Reflections on Plaid

Reflections on Plaid

Plaid Suit Jacket: Marshall’s; Cable Knit Top: Ross Trousers: Lane Bryant Still needing the power suit look! I often wonder if our response to particular styles, fabrics, and colors has anything to do with our heritage.  For example, I love Glen Plaid.  I have loved plaids since I was young and still find myself attracted…


“You see what I’m doing? This is what I’m about – power suit, power tie, power steering. People can wince, cry, beg, but eventually they do what I want.”                                                               -Vance  Don’t mess with me!  There are days that I want to send a message. Some days, the message is approachable…some days, it’s…

On This Night, On This Night, On This Very Christmas Night!

First Out on the Cuidad! Tree of Peace Covered in Doves If you have never been to San Antonio, I highly encourage you to visit this unique place where cultures blend beautifully. We are one of those cities that put its best foot forward at Christmas…especially with the lighting of our Riverwalk. Mr. Bear and…

Snip Snip & It’s A Hit!

Snip Snip & It’s A Hit!

Fabulous Friday Fashion Notes: I do not remember where I bought this necklace, but it works perfect with the jacket!! When my children were younger, my husband traveled more for his profession. He would always bring us a present from any significant city he visited for longer than one night. I have snow globes from…

Friend Friday: Blogger Burnout!!

1. How many hours a week do you spend blogging? Has that number changed since you started? Conservatively, I think it would be about 15 hours a week that I spend on blogging and blog preparation. That has changed since the beginning….because I now spend so much time on other blogs. In the beginning, I…


This ornament is my body shape!! Inside this body lies that of a skinny lady, but I can usually shut her up with chocolate.   –Author Unknown What I prefer to do is eat the chocolate and accentuate the body of the skinny lady! I have learned several tips over the past five years which have…

Blue But This Will Do!

Vest & Necklace: Stein Mart: Blouse & Trousers: Lane Bryant; Short Boot: Dillards; Bracelet & Purse: Kohl’s I have found myself rushing home on the day’s I believe I have an amazing topic and outfit for the blog. I will forego the grocery store, the mailbox, and briefly pat the cat in order to rush…

A Little Rebellion Never Hurts

Anne Klein Denim Jacket, Boots, Madden Belt: Ross; Blouse: Chico’s; Lane Bryant Pants We decorated the classroom for Christmas! Remember all the fashion rules we (meaning Baby Boomers) were asked to adhere to in our younger years.  Rules like: 1. Don’t wear white after Labor Day or Before Easter (there were lots of things you…