Joy Note #4: Legacy of Joy

 Legacy of Joy


Happy Sunday, everyone.  Welcome to Joy Note #4: Legacy of Joy.

Today’s Joy Note is a somber one…yet a very joyful one.  I want to dedicate today to the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies.

This message is for the memory of Lee Owen, Tamara Durand, Jenny Sorenson. Wilhelm Hospel, and Jane Kulich….and their joy.


Legacy of Joy


I do not believe you can be in a dance troupe and not be filled with joy.

There is just something about dancing which is a joyful experience.

And dancing in front of others as an older woman just screams joy.

Legacy of Joy


Yet, there were actual screams on November 28, 2021.

That is when a car became a weapon and the driver plowed through the Christmas Parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

His SUV went through the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies and three of those precious ladies left this world for the next.

What they left behind amidst grief were legacies of joy.

Read here in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about Lee Owen.

Though her story brings tears, it also brings a smile.


Legacy of Joy


The decisions we make today, in the world we have been gifted, determines our legacies.

Experiencing true joy, doing the things we love most, will write our legacy for us.

I for one want to be remembered as a joyful woman…wife…mother…grandmother.

Join with me and make a decision today to find joy in all that you do.  To live life with joy.  To share joy with others.  Decide what you love most and focus there.

Legacy of Joy

Do not waste one more day in despondency, anger, unforgiveness, or fear….but for yourself, family, friends, and the members of the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies….begin a legacy of joy now.

You will not regret it and perhaps….

You Will Dance!


Legacy of Joy

I wish all of those celebrating Hanukkah a joyful and meaningful celebration this year as you go into this beautiful time.  It is part of your legacy of joy. 

For any Joy Notes you have missed …

Joy Note #1

Joy Note #2

Joy Note #3

Thank you for being here…hopefully you will join us tomorrow…and always


By Pamela Lutrell

Season of Joy on Over 50 Feeling 40


  1. What a beautiful tribute. My heart breaks for the families of those lost and the ones injured, but I also love the cup half full approach.

  2. So true, each day is a gift, and we never know if we’ll get another. This is a reminder to make each day count and as you say, not waste time being bitter or unforgiving. We tend to think we have so much time to make things right, but this proves that you just don’t know.

  3. Thank you, Pam, for this reminder to focus on and do what we love most! I’m currently working in a job that drains me. I woke up this morning and immediately started thinking about the work week ahead of me and pondering whether I should begin my work week today. After reading your tribute to the Dancing Grannies, I realized that I need to focus on the joy of today and do something fun on my last day of Thanksgiving break. I also think it’s time I look for a new job!

  4. Beautiful post today, Pam! Thank you for the gift of your reminder to live a life of joy. We can be a blessing to so many when that is our focus. God bless you!

  5. A very heartfelt post today. Thank you for the gentle reminder to find JOY in what we do, how we act, and how we live. As our heart aches for the pain in our lives and that of others, we need to focus on something to get through it. Choose JOY.

  6. As we mark off the years, I think many of us focus on the missed opportunities. I don’t want my life to be filled with “coulda, woulda, shoulda’s”. I read piece last night giving advice from the perspective of someone over 60. I am keeping it & planning changes I want to implement. Now is the time to choose JOY!

  7. Beautiful and a reminder that yes, each day we have is a gift. I was feeling sorry for myself for missing a second family Thanksgiving dinner , but my daughter canceled on Tuesday as one of the twins came down with covid ( 3 years ok’d) from exposure to a caregiver who is not vaccinated and was ill. After reading this I realize there will be other get togethers coming up ( fingers crossed). For these poor ladies joyfully dancing in parade- there will be no more family parties. Eye opening!

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