Well over 50 and feeling so good
Happy fashion Friday, all! Well, it is here…I am 70 years of age…or 70 years young as some say!
Kind of perfect to have a significant birthday for me on Fashion Friday! Don’t you think?
As a blogger, I am now well over 50 and feeling so good!
So, the name of the blog still works for me…and hopefully for all of you.
There are marketers who counsel mature bloggers to not mention their real age.
They say no one wants to read what an older woman has to say.
Well, I am going to laugh in the face of that advice and be who I authentically am.
My desire is to inspire and encourage women of all ages, for I am very different from who I thought I would be at age 70.
My birthday week began with an email from someone named Chris.
All it said was….“You need to get a new hairstyle, new glasses, and fix your teeth!”
I wanted to respond with…You left off my funky feet!
I understand there are some who would be driven to despair over such an email…but I am really happy with who I am at 70…flaws and all.
Yes, there are wrinkles…and age spots…crooked teeth…and a few more challenges…but nothing like I envisioned it would be at 70.
I still have that over 50 feeling 40 hutzpah!
Each day is a gift from God, and I am thankful for that gift every morning.
So, today, I share with you who I am at age 70….and who I am not.
Hello, I am Pamela….well over 50 and feeling great!
I am a woman, wife, mother, and GiGi to six….the absolute best!
I am a blogger specifically for women over 50 and have enjoyed it for 13 years….so many readers join me as well over 50 and feeling great ladies.
I am a writer and have been writing since 5th grade, and still have so much to say.
I am proud to be born and bred Texan, and resident of San Antonio.
I am even prouder to be an American.
I am full of joy and smiles.
I am optimistic.
I am mentally strong, determined, and steadfast.
I am wise with wisdom gained through storms, valleys, and experiences.
I am discerning.
I am curious… fascinated with all around me, and love to learn.
I am teachable.
I am creative and captivated with many creative fields from music, to photography, to art, to cooking.
I am a hard worker.
I am a teacher and encourager of all people.
I am ever hopeful and look for silver linings and the best in others.
I am building a Christmas legacy for my family.
I am confident.
I am a child of the living God, flawed, forgiven, saved, and a prayer warrior.
I am not defined by a number.
I am not old.
I am not a cynic.
I am not a victim of my past.
I am not elderly.
I am not invisible.
I am not tired of life.
I am not rude.
I am not finished.
I am not done.
I love this page in my 2023 planner…….
Every morning in this seventieth year, I will arise to wonder what I will do with the chance given me that day.
I am convinced that the best way to have longevity now is to just LIVE. To live with passion and purpose. To live with joyful expectation.
And to live with gratitude one day at a time.
I am 70 today…and it is going to be great fun…no matter what.
I hope you will join me in facing every day, one day at a time with joy in your heart and a smile on your face.
Believe you are fabulous right now…right where you are…and that there is so much of life to live.
In fact, feel free in the comments to tell us WHO YOU ARE… the best parts of you…and if you like, who you are not.
On my birthday…I celebrate each of YOU!
Thank you so much for being here and for your support and friendship!
NOTE: Today I wore one of my favorite washable silk dresses because I plan to be wearing it tonight for my birthday dinner. Love the green!
I appreciate your support of this blog by shopping with my SHOPPING LINKS, and if you don’t see the retailer you need for anything, just send me an email and I will see if I have a link or if there is a sale you are looking for!
Email is over50feeling40@gmail.com.
Recent requests have been for SHEEC NO-SHOW FOOTWEAR and Bombas…and Tuckernuck …just click the name and you will be there.
I am here to assist you with any gift ideas as well, and hope you will consider shopping gifts with these links! AND your home purchases!
I know many like to make Home Depot purchases online and then drive to the store to pick them up. You can still use my HOME DEPOT link to do that.
A special thank you to everyone who does this to offer your support of the blog!! It makes a difference and keeps me here.
Happy birthday, you wear it well! I appreciate your optimism, and am saddened with the critical comments on your appearance. God made each one of us special, and you shine. Your optimism and positivity brightens my early mornings. Thank you
Happy Birthday Pam! I hope this is a joy filled day and the best year yet for you. I follow you as I am 67 and truly embrace my “number.” I look for uplifting women who like me want to express who they are through their clothing choices and not try and be who they were 10 or even 20 years ago. I enjoy your expression of faith, family and friends on this platform. I agree with you that I am not a complete product yet or God would have called me home. I look forward to this year and seeing how we both have evolved by this mile marker next year. Go enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday, Pam! What a great post! Love your attitude and positivity! Have the best day and enjoy your family!
PS. I love how you let the unkind remarks roll off! Too bad some are so unhappy! She needs a prayer to lift her up!! ☺️
Thanks for your blog, I enjoy it so much!! Nikki
Happy Birthday Pamela, I hope it is the best one yet!!
Happiest of Birthdays Pam ! I hope your day is as special as you are.
I just love your attitude and I think you are beautiful inside and out. I learn something from you often about fashion and life. Thank you 🙂
Happy Birthday Pam! Enjoy every moment.
Most of all–Here’s to you- your lovely smile, your inspiring messages and your wonderful attitude! You are a gift! cheers!
Happy, happy birthday! You look lovely and radiant! Cheers to you!
Happy birthday! I remember watching “the golden girls” and thinking, I want to be like that when I get there….well dressed, and engaging in life. Other than that, I don’t remember thinking much about the age I’ve gotten to and beyond….
And these people behind keyboards who live to insult…..I wish I knew more about psychiatry, because something is out of balance with them.
Happy, happy birthday! I love your blog and always look forward to reading it. Sadly another blog I follow also had negative comments left for her on her weight. Good grief just because you are behind a computer screen would you say these comments in person. A greater question is what purpose does it serve? I think you look great and have such a positive attitude. Enjoy that trip to Alaska, one of the best trips we ever took. Stay cool in the brutal heat the south is experiencing. Happy Birthday!
My day starts with my positive dose of Pamela. Happy birthday to the gal who so often has just the right message to send to me on just the day that I need it the most. I think I am going to start collecting YOUR words as quotes. Continue to enjoy the day , the week, the years. Happy birthday from one 70 to another.
There are so many other things that I have noticed from reading your blog you are… You are forgiving and you are accepting just to name two. I love that you say “the best way to have longevity now is to just LIVE”
SO very very true. We all miss great opportunities to just LIVE. It has taken me years to grasp that concept. I wish I had some of those years back but now I chose to LIVE. And like you I chose JOY. I am a captive audience to your blog. I feel like it is filled with goodness. Please don’t let emails or negativity steal your smile!
I hope you have a beautiful and fun birthday!
wow. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. IT IS A BIG ONE. I am 74 so I am well on my way to being 75!!! Sorry to hear the negative comments. This person does not sound like a nice person at all. You live a full vibrant life. I can tell how happy you are by your great smile! I hope your birthday has all the pleasure and joy you can manage! lol. And I especially enjoyed your blog about your special luncheon! July should be your Birthday Month!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Pam! You have a wonderful attitude, and a beautiful heart.
I’m thankful that I found your blog. Keep doing what you do! Teresa
Happy Birthday Pam, and I wish you many more! I’ve been following your blog for years and I love your attitude. God just used your words to inspire me to live my best life today—whatever it holds, events big or small. I was feeling bad about myself with a little self-pity about my age thrown in for good measure. 😊 Thank you reminding me that I need to show up for the life God has given me today.
Happy Birthday Pam! Hope that you have a lovely day and a wonderful year ahead. I enjoy your posts and I agree that old people do have important contributions to make. Sorry about that mean comment. People who do that are sad. I am now 77 and I am not invisible or irrelevant and neither are all the other old women out there, unless they choose to be. Life is a wonderful gift and growing old should be recognized as the privilege that it is. Stay joyful!
Happy Birthday!!! You look wonderful but more importantly your positive attitude and love for God is inspiring and motivating. It’s refreshing to read that you know who and whose you (Child of God) are, and not let rude comments define or affect you. Wishing you the best year ever.
Happy birthday Pam!
I’m shocked that a reader would criticize you like that! When did it become ok to let fly with such negativity?! I think you look amazing. And I wish my thin hair could look half as good as yours! Who cares about a crooked tooth or two?
You inspire us!
Pam, Happy Birthday to a beautiful woman that shows us each day with her blog that women are beautiful in their own way. Thank you and enjoy your Birthday.
Happy Birthday! 🎂
Happy Birthday Day Pam. Your blog is a Blessing to me everyday. Thank you 🙏.
Happy Birthday Pam – Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts of who you are and what you believe in. I especially love your quote from your daily planner – It really makes me think about how I approach each day.
I, as many have commented this morning, feel so sorry for Chris who must be struggling with who she is and finds it necessary to offer unsolicited advise to others rather than look within.
Again, Happy Birthday, enjoy your birthday dinner!!
Happy Birthday Pam! You are fantastic and your joy for life comes through your blog, I open each post to read a little of that joy – thank you! Enjoy today’s celebration!
Happy birthday Pam! You are leading the way to show how vibrant the next decade can be and I am thrilled to follow along. As I have gotten older I have started to travel more and enjoy new places. Some of my friends are in their late 70s and even 80s and still traveling with us so great examples to follow. I hope you enjoy your cruise as much as I did and may it lead to many more. They are addictive. Have a wonderful day, week, month and year.
Happy birthday from another woman in her 70’s!
What a nasty thing that person said to you. As my mother said to me “if you cannot say anything nice don’t say anything “!
I also appreciate what you say about you mother growing up as my own relationship with my mother was similar.
Any way have a beautiful day for a beautiful person 💐❤️
Happy Birthday, Beautiful One!
Happy Birthday! I appreciate your insights and cheerful, sunny outlook and personally value the wisdom and pointers I glean from your blog. Keep doing what you do! (And I’m sorry you had such a hateful remark directed at you. Unfortunately, “Chris” sounds like an unhappy person.)
I think you’re fantastic!! Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday, Pam. Welcome to the seventies!! Thank you for your positive attitude and everything you do. I really enjoy reading your blog so keep up the positive inspiration!
Have a wonderful day and trip!!
Happy Birthday Pam!
You are an inspiration to many…
Wishing you a wonderful day, a wonderful year and happiness and good health always!
Bon voyage!
Happy birthday, Pamela! I never post a comment on your blog but your birthday is the day to let you know I read it almost everyday and always take something away to ponder during my day. Thank you for being relevant to us mature ladies.
Isn’t it amazing what some people will say to another when they are invisible!
May your day be amazing and “joyful”! 😊
Happy birthday, Pam. I hope you are having a fabulous trip. Love the Iris Apfel quote.
Happy, happy birthday to you, Pam! I hope you have blessed day and enjoy it to the fullest! 🎉🎂🎁
Happy Birthday Pam! I enjoy your blog and continue to look forward to reading it every morning.
Happy Birthday Pam. You look radiant in that teal-green color. I love the page from your planner. Can you share the name of the planner? I’ll be 75 in a few days and I am going to follow your lead and list my positives. I’m sorry for the mean email. Some people are so miserable that they want to drag others down with themselves. All we can do is ignore the message and pray for them. Hope you have a very happy day. I’m looking forward to your fabulous cruise.
Welcome to a new year, Pam! You are a blessing, girl!
Happy Birthday.
You have the right attitude about negativity. You just shine on! Have a great trip.
Happy Birthday Pamela! You had lots to deal with in the fall and came out with flying colours. Wishing you only sunny skies in the year ahead. ( My guess is some teenager hacked his mom’s computer and thought it would be funny to make the critical post and in your gracious way gave us all a perfect example of how to celebrate our truths. )
Happy Birthday, Pam! I hit 76 this past January and am pretty comfortable in my own skin, flaws and all. I do my best to stay away from critical, negative people. It just takes too much energy. I prefer to spend time with cheerful, happy people who, or course have bumps in the road, but don’t let those bumps define who they are, yet use those as another step in growing.
And I can see from all the lovely posts here that we are definitely in the majority! Have a beautiful day!
Happy Birthday, Pam! Thanks for spreading joy and being a positive influence! You’ll probably never know how many women you’ve helped and boosted through your blog. Enjoy your day … wishing you all the best for your year ahead!
I always look forward to your blog every day. I will be 75 next month and it still amazes me that I am still here enjoying life with my family. There seems to be so many unhappy people in this world who feel the need to tear down others. Please keep up the good work you are doing. We loved our Alaska cruise s as if I’m sure you are also.
Happy Birthday! I will be 70 tomorrow. So thankful for my life and my health.
You are an inspiration! Your blog gives me hope that the years ahead can be as lovely and joyous as the years behind. I’ve been thoroughly enjoying your blog for many years now, and can’t wait to see what’s ahead! Happy happy birthday!
Wishing you the happiest of birthdays Pam! You are truly an amazing woman and an inspiration to me, as well as to so many others, I am sure. I hope you have a wonderful Alaska cruise and celebrate in style!
Happy birthday Pam. I know in the past sometimes you have asked for honest opinions about your hair or clothing item. And then I feel that’s what you want. Otherwise I’m commenting on the general item. It’s good to roll with the punches and I would never be cruel.
I am honest, compassionate, full of love for my family, the outdoors, gardening, reading. I am a three time cancer survivor. I am brave . I am grateful for every day, and when I wake up that’s my first thought. My last thoughts at night are plans for what I’d like to accomplish the next day. So I am organized, teachable, able to teach others in an enjoyable way. Nothing in my life is about how I look anymore-this does not mean I go out of my way to be ornery-but that as life’s choices have diminished for me, I place more value in relationships than clothes. Perhaps a fashion/lifestyle blog is the last place people would envision me, but I find them diverting and enjoyable. Enjoy your life. You’re not done till your last breath.
I hope you have a wonderful day, and a great year ahead of you!
Happy Birthday!!! Wishing you a fabulous day and year. I always start my day with your blog and coffee, gives my day the right start….your birthday brunch looked amazing…….
Happy happy birthday!
Love starting my mornings with you. Your positive outlook is an inspiration to so many.
Enjoy your cruise!
Hi Pam,
You shared so much of your heart with all of us on your official birthday. Thank you for adding so much inspiration to my life.
I’m sure you both will enjoy your Alaska cruise and take in all the beauty that surrounds you.
Wishing you a day of pure and perfect happiness!
Happy joyful 70th birthday. 🥳🎉🥳
Happy Birthday, friend. 🌻💐🌻 You are the morning ray of sunshine 🌞 so many of us enjoy as we start our days. Thank you for every little thing you bring to share with your fond readers, and the joy you exude in so doing.
Happy Birthday, Pam. I was your age just last year. Today, I turned 69. My years may still be going up but I feel younger inside so I’m going down, now. Hope you feel like starting back down next year, too.
Every day is an Adventure! Your enthusiasm and reminders of joy are energizing and infectious. You’re a cheerleader, however today we’re cheering the cheerleader! Hope the cruise nourishes your soul. Happy Trails…
Continue being yourself Pamela and wishing you A VERY HAPPY 70th BIRTHDAY. -Brenda-
Happy, happy birthday beautiful lady! I’m ahead of you by a few years and you continue to inspire me to be my best! I too am Gigi-my little grandsons bring me so much joy!!!
I DO want to hear from someone who 50+. I want to hear from someone who has walked through life & realized it is to be lived. I want to hear from someone who can relate to the problems we face as we age & hits them head on. You are someone who refuses to filter out their flaws but doesn’t let them define or deter who she is. Your readers relate to you because you relate to them. You summed it up nicely when you said, “life is meant to be lived”.
Pam, you are a fabulous, beautiful woman, inside and out. Your positive attitude is a shining star to all of us. Enjoy your birthday to the MAX. Celebrate the wonderful gift you are.
Happy Birthday Pamela! You shine your light everyday and make mine brighter just reading your words every morning. You and your other readers lift me up. Please don’t shed a tear for any troll. Only say a prayer that their burden be lifted and joy flow into their sadness. I got tears of joy reading your words today and the Comments. Enjoy your cruise and the beginning of your fabulous year. Thank you for taking me along!
Sydney H
Happy birthday! May you keep doing what you do!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I am very much looking forward to celebrating my 70th this November, and plan to do so as joyfully as you are. One of the best things about aging, as far as I am concerned, is we no longer put more stock in what others think of us than we do what we know to be true about ourselves. Finally being comfortable with who we are, yet continuing to work on improving and refining ourselves, is, I think, the purpose of this stage of life. So many years of hard earned wisdom and blessed with the time to use it! Thank you for sharing your joy and your thoughts, your style and tips, with all of us.
Happy birthday! You are amazing. Thank you for your posts.
Happiest of birthdays, Pamela!! Your beauty shines bright….inside and out. Enjoy your special day and best wishes for a wonderful 70th year!!! ❤️
Thank you, everyone!!! What a blessing you are!
Happy Birthday x 70!!! 🎂
Wishing you a wonderful birthday, and a healthy, creative year ahead, full of adventures!
Dahhhhling! You look MMMAAAH-velous!!!
I don’t see a thing wrong with your hair, teeth, or glasses…
I believe that person came from a place of JEALOUSY and felt the need to pull you down in order to feel better about themselves… They are to be pitied….maybe they will follow the wonderful example you have set.
Happy Birthday, Pam!
Tomorrow I will be 80 which I don’t say out loud. I look younger, people think I am, and I realize the ageism out there that I never thought about before — 70 was easy but now I am really “ elderly” no way around it. I am so surprised because my mind doesn’t think I am nor do I feel I am until I look in a mirror to see the well earned wrinkles that certainly say to the world I’m sure not 50!
I had a great career, I have a wonderful family and my best friend husband so I’m very thankful but gosh darn can’t figure out how quickly I’ve become an age that I can’t easily wrap my head around.
Thank you for your honest sharing the best and Pooh on the ageism prejudice voiced by whom ever sent that response.
Happy Birthday- you gave me a Birthday present today- your + message was just what I needed and just in time
Happy Birthday, Fabulous you!
I think you are gorgeous and most people would not have a clue about your age. I find this true of my friends as well. They are living interesting lives, just as they did in their career days. I love my friends and the joy they bring to my life and feel so blessed with my husband of 52 years, our two children, as well as former students who keep in touch.
Happiest birthdays to you Pam. I think of you as a lady who is genuine, positive, caring, supportive, friendly and relatable and someone who most importantly spreads joy. I wish you all the best for your birthday year and keep being true to yourself and keep smiling that gorgeous smile that you possess.
Happy Birthday!! Love your positive energy ❤
Pam, you do you. And keep doing it. Also, do you have a link for the washable silk dress?
Catching up on this week’s posts and I’m sorry to see I’m a day late with birthday wishes. I’m going to print out this entire post and share it liberally with all my friends on their birthdays, whether they be behind or ahead of you on the numerical scale. Such good, wise words for each one of us, ending with my favorite of all: “I’m not done yet!” Yes, and AMEN. Hoping you were well-celebrated yesterday, and wishing you a year filled with unexpected blessings!
Happy Birthday Pam! I enjoy your blog very much. You be you! Ignore angry, judgmental, rude people. Let them live in their own negativity and suffer. Life is so short and we are are not meant to make ourselves small for other people.
Wishing you a very Happy 70th Birthday, Pam! You are an inspiration and a beautiful lady inside and outside. Thanks for being such a positive and upbeat influencer. May God bless you and your family greatly. I hope your Alaskan cruise is relaxing and fun. Can’t wait to hear about it!
Happy birthday ! You look great . And are enjoying life which is what counts ! Im 75 and do not consider myself elderly or feel done enjoying fun and lifes surprises !
. Enjoy the 70s!
Hi Kathie,
I am just now reading all of these wonderful comments on my birthday post. The name of my planner for 2023 is In Strength and Dignity…one of my favorite verses in Proverbs. it is published by Christian Art Publishers. I love it…hope I can find a similar one for 2024.
Happy birthday! I love your attitude and zest for life, and continue to read your blog because of those qualities even more than for style inspiration (though I like that, too!). May you have many more happy and healthy years.
Thank you so much, Kathy.