Today's News

Today’s News for Women over 50

Happy Week Before Christmas , ladies!  Welcome to the weekly lifestyle feature called Today’s News for Women Over 50. On this day, I curate lifestyle news together into one location to make life a little easier for you. That way you can find articles to inform and inspire all in one location. The next two…

today's news

Today’s News for Women over 50

Happy Wednesday, ladies!  Welcome to Today’s News for Women over 50! Today’s News for Women over 50 is a curation of lifestyle articles for women compiled into one location. I know there are many of you that like this feature and I am happy to research it and put it together just for you. As…

today's news

Today’s News for Women over 50

Happy Wednesday!  It is time once again for Today’s News for Women over 50! On this day each week, I curate lifestyle news articles into one location for you and call it Today’s News for Women over 50. It is a compilation of mostly positive lifestyle news to keep you informed and inspired. With the…

today's news

Today’s News for Women over 50

Happy Wednesday!  Welcome to the weekly lifestyle news roundup called Today’s News for Women over 50. Today’s News for Women over 50 is a place where I curate lifestyle news into one location just for you…makes your reading a bit easier. With the holidays racing towards us, there are more holiday related stories and recipes…to…

today's news

Today’s News for Women over 50

Happy Wednesday, ladies!  Welcome to Today’s News for Women over 50. This is your weekly round-up of lifestyle headlines from around media world that I curate into one place just for you. That way you stay informed and inspired with one click rather than many. I do my best to discern what this audience might…

today's news

Today’s News for Women over 50

Happy Wednesday, everyone!  Welcome to Today’s News for Women over 50! This is a weekly lifestyle post where I combine today’s news into one location with you in mind! I curate the headlines with my news judgement of what you would enjoy the most. So, I hope that you do find it enjoyable, information, and…

tested recipes

Tested recipes requested on Over 50 Feeling 40

Happy December Saturday!  Today, I am answering you with tested recipes requested on Over 50 Feeling 40. This is not really a cooking blog, yet, I have loved sharing tested recipes by me, Leigh Ann, and even some of you! I am an at -home -Southern cook…who loves to cook…but I am not culinary trained…so…

today's news

Today’s News for Women over 50

Happy Wednesday, everyone!  It is time once again for Today’s News for Women over 50! This is my weekly lifestyle post curated with news from around the web which I believe will be of interest to this audience. My intention has always been to bring you informative, interesting and inspirational news in one place…just makes…