Casual Friday….

Casual Friday….

GIGI and I consider Casual Fridays a fashion opportunity.  We are allowed to wear jeans with school spirit shirts, but we try to have a little more fun than that.  My “artist-smock” style shirt inspired us to take photo’s in Gigi’s art room! She wore her new COLDWATER CREEK cardigan purchased on sale, and paired it with…

Runway Inspiration…Visibility That’s Black & Blue

Runway Inspiration…Visibility That’s Black & Blue

INSPIRED!  That is exactly how I left Fashion’s Night Out at Neiman Marcus.  Though I cannot afford anything on their runway, I came home to see many different ways I could adapt the trends of the season!!  If you did not catch the runway and off runway looks, make sure you see them here first: ON…



Everywhere I have turned lately, red is being proclaimed as a major part of Fall 2012 fashion!  So, when I saw this catalog from  CHICOS…. I thought, well I do not have the super fun Chicos pants, but I can come close.  That led to this inspiration outfit.  I’ve learned not to get depressed if…

Cool Off with Accessories!!

Cool Off with Accessories!!

Get Vichy and other makeup at SkinCareRX One of my favorite color combinations! Heat often zaps my desire to fashion outfits!  When the weather makes you think that flip flops, tanks, and shorts are the only options, then it has won and taken all of the fun out of fashion.  But, since I live in a…

American Woman

American Woman

 I’m joining in with Jill and Adrienne to celebrate America with our red, white, and blue styles!  I have always been fond of July 4th!  Mostly because I love barbecue, lakes, corn-on-the-cob, and ice cream…not to mention fireworks! Red denim, blue blouse: Lane BryantCardigan: Chicos But, when I was eleven years old the local newspaper in Wichita Falls, Texas (The…

Lifestyle Changes…Baby Steps and Progress

Lifestyle Changes…Baby Steps and Progress

It’s been 21 days since I began to once again make lifestyle changes to improve my health, and though the progress is slow….I am pleased.  Of those days, there have only been three that I did not exercise at all.  I have lost a few pounds, though I wish it was more…at least we are…

Parisian Influences:  French Country Decorating

Parisian Influences: French Country Decorating

As I have written before today, there are touches of Paris all around me.  I really did not understand what my interior decorating taste was until one day, years ago, a friend asked me, “When did you begin to like French Country Décor?”  So, I began to look at some websites and magazines and realized…

On the 12 Days of Vacation….Kelly Clarkson said to me….

On the 12 Days of Vacation….Kelly Clarkson said to me….

 What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger….I needed to hear this message at one point this morning!  When I stepped outside for my morning walk, the air was thick with high humidity and it was not inviting at all.  Another plus to walking in the mornings here is a twenty degree difference….75 to 95….with humidity…