Accessory Savings!

Accessory Savings!

I have a treat for some of you at the end of this post!  I chose not to tell you about my accessories yesterday out of respect for Goodwill…because I found them other places! But, it is so easy to find beautiful accessories for a song.  My shoes were purchased about six years ago at…

My Love Affair With Black

My Love Affair With Black

After such wonderful comments about wearing color, I almost hate to confess to the latter.  For some reason, when the weather is cold, my go to looks are mostly in BLACK.  I have heard all of the fashion advice about wearing browns and navy blue instead of black.  Supposedly, black is so harsh on our…

Rainy Days and Fashion, Always Get Me …Stressed!

Rainy Days and Fashion, Always Get Me …Stressed!

I know we all have our times when it is really difficult to motivate ourselves to fix up and look our best.  My most difficult days are when it is raining. While I would like to stay home from work on rainy days, it just doesn’t go well with my boss! Now, I am not…

Six Ways to Handle Your Worst Critic

Six Ways to Handle Your Worst Critic

You know who I am talking about….most likely we all have at least one.  The person in your life that no matter what you wear is going to say something negative about it….it might be your significant other…it might be a woman friend…it might be your mother…or a co-worker…or even a regular reader on your…

Project Runway All Star Inspired

Project Runway All Star Inspired

Thank you all so much for your sweet words of encouragement.  When emotional and physical exhaustion collide, it can take its toll.  But, I am back to rejoicing that I have one more day to smile, and write, and teach, and laugh, and enjoy all of the family and friends around me.  Each day is…

Energized for the Weekend!!

Energized for the Weekend!!

Wow!  I am feeling really great….like wearing jungle-style fashion…and running laps!  I just completed a six day challenge with 1st Step Pro-Wellness B-12 supplement!  This is a delicious cherry liquid which is power packed with energy…I really have felt amazing every day and not hit the afternoon fatigue I so often have.   I drank it every…

Leaving Dusters In The Dust

Leaving Dusters In The Dust

Chico’s new catalog arrived yesterday….and my eyes went immediately to this: Artisan Duster Isn’t it beautiful….I really love this garment….however, I made a decision recently to stop wearing dusters until I lose more weight in my hips.  On me, they are just not a flattering look….and I have several…and I love them all!  But the…

The Rack At The Back!

The Rack At The Back!

For a few brief moments….cool breezes are blowing in San Antonio.  I cannot really call 55 degrees cold…but cool, for sure.  Since our time of cold is a very short window, it is difficult to justify spending big bucks on cold weather clothes…especially cashmere…even as wonderful as it is. Jacket:  Goodwill KOHLS JEANS Liz Claiborne…