Rainy Days and Fashion, Always Get Me …Stressed!

Rainy Days and Fashion, Always Get Me …Stressed!

I know we all have our times when it is really difficult to motivate ourselves to fix up and look our best.  My most difficult days are when it is raining. While I would like to stay home from work on rainy days, it just doesn’t go well with my boss! Now, I am not…

Six Ways to Handle Your Worst Critic

Six Ways to Handle Your Worst Critic

You know who I am talking about….most likely we all have at least one.  The person in your life that no matter what you wear is going to say something negative about it….it might be your significant other…it might be a woman friend…it might be your mother…or a co-worker…or even a regular reader on your…

Good Clothes vs Bad Clothes

Good Clothes vs Bad Clothes

“It takes the same amount of time to put on good clothes as bad clothes.” Stacy London Thank you for all of the great comments on yesterday’s post.  I love to hear from so many women who can offer “more to the story.”  I also want to welcome all of the new readers! I learned…

From Worst Fashion Moments to Best Fashion Years!

From Worst Fashion Moments to Best Fashion Years!

Today, I am joining in with a group of fun, amazing Boomers, Generation Fabulous, to discuss our worst fashion moment.  I wish I only had one bad fashion moment.  Actually, it is more like bad fashion decades.   When I was twelve, my mother cut my hair to resemble a style from the show My Little…

Eye Shadow To Change For

Eye Shadow To Change For

I do not make changes to my make up easily.  Oh, I love to experiment, but actual changes…well, that’s another story.  It was the wonderful women of the blogs who got me to change a few months ago from foundation to tinted moisturizer…an excellent change. But, I have not messed with my eye shadow for…

Just 15 Minutes….All To Myself!

Just 15 Minutes….All To Myself!

Things are steadily beginning to slow down after weeks of chaos.  My daughter and her husband lived with us for a couple of months after moving back from Saipan.  Now, they are in their own home preparing for the birth of their son. We joined our son and his new wife, plus the in-laws, for…

Goodwill, Gratitude, and Metabolism!!

Goodwill, Gratitude, and Metabolism!!

Counsel woven into the fabric of real life is wisdom. -Walter Benjamin Thank you so much to those who gave me your thoughts on yesterday’s post.  You have really helped in more ways than you know.  I feel as though you have saved me so much time by just helping me to focus  on what…

Hot Dogs and Blogs…Need Your Help!

Hot Dogs and Blogs…Need Your Help!

Recently, Mr. B and I decided to try a new restaurant in town which was located in a trendy, artsy development.  We were impressed from the beginning…the atmosphere was cozy with a San Francisco-pier type of feeling.  The manager met us at the door and was so friendly.  He escorted us to a prime seat…