Returning to the Gym:  It Takes My Team

Returning to the Gym: It Takes My Team

August 29 was my last time I was at the gym to do a strength training session. What is especially devastating to me is that I was at my all time best.  I was stronger and more flexible than I had ever been.  I looked forward to my classes because I saw results.   Enter the…

Recommended Products for Women Over 50

Recommended Products for Women Over 50

Welcome to the day I recommend products to you I have actually tried for myself.  I do not promote products to my audience unless I have tried them and believe in them…so there are many that do not make it to the blog.  Let’s begin today with some holiday cheer…Celestial Seasonings Herbal Holiday Teas.  These…

Chamonix Skincare: 4 Months of Morning Glow

Chamonix Skincare: 4 Months of Morning Glow

This is my four-month post using just one skincare line, Chamonix…and I am loving this morning glow so much.  Last spring and through the beginning of summer, I began to notice my complexion in the morning was dull, dull, and duller. I tried several options, and finally began to think, it was something I just…

Breathe Deep…Now Choose Joy

Breathe Deep…Now Choose Joy

Attention:  This is NOT a political post!  I am so glad to see the election cycle come to an end….and I am writing this on the Sunday before even knowing the results.  It just seems that no matter what your party affiliation that people have been angry and on edge more than ever before. Now,…

Chamonix: Three Months of Compliments

Chamonix: Three Months of Compliments

I have just completed three months of using only skincare products by Chamonix, and I continue to be amazed, pleased, and loving all the compliments.  My face and neck have never looked this nourished, glowing, and, yes, youthful…it is an amazing line and I have seen results since the day I first began three months…

How I Handle My Aching Feet

How I Handle My Aching Feet

It was hard to categorize this post, because my aching feet are a health issue, beauty issue, and a fashion issue!  Because I loved stilettos in my 20s and 30s, I am paying the price now.  The first issue was a rather large bunion, which I dealt with by doing surgery.  But, I think the…