Goodwill, Holiday Fashion, High Tea, TV….such fun!

Goodwill, Holiday Fashion, High Tea, TV….such fun!

I joined Goodwill SA Marketing Manager, Melissa Mireles, this morning for an appearance on the Saturday morning news! Isn’t Melissa cute…she looks so great after having her second child this past October! Melissa brought some great DIY ideas from Pinterest using items found at Goodwill SA.  I discussed dressing for holiday parties and evenings out with…



When you feel the need to whine about all that is going on around you, just remember, we are women…wired differently…able to multi-task by birthright…unfortunate for men, the poor dears, they just are not designed to handle doing several different jobs all at once!  (OK, be gentle in the comments) My life as a peaceful…

Pencil Skirt Power and Skirt Winner!

Pencil Skirt Power and Skirt Winner!

You.Are.Amazing. As. you. are. Stronger than you know. More beautiful than you think. Worthier than you believe. More loved than you can ever imagine. Passionate about making a difference. Fiery when protecting those you love. Learning. Growing. Not alone. Warm. Giving. Generous. Quirky. Sexy. Funny. Smart. Flawed. Whole. Scared. Brave. And so, so, so.much.more. Be…

Goodwill Mother/Daughter Time!

Goodwill Mother/Daughter Time!

I hope all of you had a special Thanksgiving weekend!  While I was asleep last weekend, magic happened.  This is the time of year when South Texas finally experiences a touch of autumn and some of the leaves go full color.  There are just a few spectacular ones this year as the weather is so…

Emotional Attachments to Clothing

Emotional Attachments to Clothing

Memories of our past….they influence us in so many ways…good and bad.  I have heard women refuse to wear plaid, because they wore it every day in private school….or women refuse to wear florals because it reminds them of Grandma’s couch! Clinton Kelly of What Not To Wear has little patience with people who avoid fashion trends…

Time to Think…COATS!

Time to Think…COATS!

Cold weather has arrived in some northern states, and for the rest of us…it never hurts to be prepared!!  Goodwill helps all of us expand our coat selections and take them to new levels. I love this coat…it has a chic, Mad-Men-vibe to it and will be great for going out with Mr. B.  I…

One-Sided Arguments!

One-Sided Arguments!

After reading the title, you probably thought this post is about the media….or the presidential election…or the economy….but, nope, it is not that deep!  One of my daily frustrations is that I just cannot get the whole me to look the way I want!  I am one sided!  Elie Tahari Cardigan: MarshallsBlouse: Goodwill SASpanx Tights:…

DIY Confidence!

DIY Confidence!

Most of us are familiar with Tim Gunn’s favorite phrase, Make It Work!  But, it helps me face challenges all of the time.  Whenever I find myself lamenting over a problem, I will hear that scholarly, kind voice in my head imploring me to MAKE IT WORK! This happened recently when I picked up the…