Would You Wear It Over 50 with Pamela & Jennifer

Would You Wear It Over 50 with Pamela & Jennifer

Happy August 1, everyone and welcome to Would you Wear It Over 50 with me and my friend Jennifer!  In case someone is new to these posts, two days a week, Jennifer and I post fashion displays we have found around our towns and ask you what you think of the styles. We look for…

Dillards display on Over 50 Feeling 40

Would You Wear It Over 50 Mid-Week Pop Up with Pamela & Jennifer

I am enjoying time this week with grandchildren and family, but there is always time for a Would You Wear It Over 50 Mid-Week Pop Up with me and Jennifer, my fashion blogging partner in mannequin stalking crime!  We are out and about…sometimes undercover…sometimes out in open…seeking fashion displays in our communities which make us…

Would You Wear It ove 50 on Over 50 Feeling 40

Would You Wear It Over 50 with Pamela & Jennifer

This is our last Saturday in July…can you believe it…and time for Would You Wear It Over 50 with me and my friend Jennifer!  August 1 will be our next Saturday, but honestly, I am one who is always glad to see summertime move right along!  If you are new to these posts, this is…

Would You Wear these looks on over 50 feeling 40

Would You Wear It Over 50 with Pamela & Jennifer

AHHHH…it is the weekend!  And time for our Saturday version of Would You Wear It for women over 50 with me and my friend, Jennifer.  If you want to beat the heat, this is one way to do it and have some fashion fun.  On this day, Jennifer and I post fashion displays we have…

On over 50 Feeling 40 for Would You Wear

Would You Wear It with Pamela & Jennifer

It’s my official back-to-mannequins, Would-You-Wear-It- Saturday!!  I finally got back to my favorite shopping mall and spent a few hours…yes, in a mask, but was able to find some fashion displays that I wanted to bring back to you! On this day, my friend Jennifer and I (one in California and one in Texas) bring…