My Love Affair With Black

My Love Affair With Black

After such wonderful comments about wearing color, I almost hate to confess to the latter.  For some reason, when the weather is cold, my go to looks are mostly in BLACK.  I have heard all of the fashion advice about wearing browns and navy blue instead of black.  Supposedly, black is so harsh on our…

Closet Inspiration….The Art Room

Closet Inspiration….The Art Room

I love walking into Gigi’s high school art room…it is a banquet for my senses.   I can sit in her room and visit Rome, France, Italy, and LA, all at the same time.  I leave each day creatively challenged.   This is why I have been doing my Outfit-of-the-Day (OOTD) looks in her room…so much more…

Rainy Days and Fashion, Always Get Me …Stressed!

Rainy Days and Fashion, Always Get Me …Stressed!

I know we all have our times when it is really difficult to motivate ourselves to fix up and look our best.  My most difficult days are when it is raining. While I would like to stay home from work on rainy days, it just doesn’t go well with my boss! Now, I am not…

Six Ways to Handle Your Worst Critic

Six Ways to Handle Your Worst Critic

You know who I am talking about….most likely we all have at least one.  The person in your life that no matter what you wear is going to say something negative about it….it might be your significant other…it might be a woman friend…it might be your mother…or a co-worker…or even a regular reader on your…

Just 15 Minutes….All To Myself!

Just 15 Minutes….All To Myself!

Things are steadily beginning to slow down after weeks of chaos.  My daughter and her husband lived with us for a couple of months after moving back from Saipan.  Now, they are in their own home preparing for the birth of their son. We joined our son and his new wife, plus the in-laws, for…

Project Runway All Star Inspired

Project Runway All Star Inspired

Thank you all so much for your sweet words of encouragement.  When emotional and physical exhaustion collide, it can take its toll.  But, I am back to rejoicing that I have one more day to smile, and write, and teach, and laugh, and enjoy all of the family and friends around me.  Each day is…

Fashion Foundations: Self-Confidence and Smiles

Fashion Foundations: Self-Confidence and Smiles

“All you really need is loads of self- confidence…and a smile.”   Ines de la Fressange I love this quote from Ines because I believe it to be so true.  Really, you can wear and pull off just about anything with self-confidence and a smile.  During my 40s, my self- esteem was in the gutter. I…

Wearable or Fashionable or Both!

Wearable or Fashionable or Both!

Great sitcom material…such is my life!  You have to admit there is great humor in the fact a mild-mannered-high-school-teacher-mom-about-to-be-grandma in South Texas is a fashion/beauty blogger!  But, here is where I find myself…yes, still having a great time…  The biggest drawback is when I am invited to blog about and attend fashion events…WHAT AM I…